About Us

About Goring Residents' Association

The Goring Residents' Association provides a non-political forum. Our aim is to represent the majority view, if there is one, about issues concerning Goring. We welcome input from our members. We also encourage our members to get to know each other by participating in social events and outings.  

GRA was founded in 1944 and has over 1300 members who pay a small annual subscription.  

Our activities are governed by our Constitution (see below) and are subject to review by members at our Annual General Meeting held every autumn. The GRA Constitution was last updated and approved at the 2023 AGM .

Download GRA Constitution

Our committee (see below), elected annually by members at the AGM, oversees activities throughout the year. If you would like to get involved with GRA by joining our committee, why not contact our Chair for an informal chat? 

Our meetings take place in St. Mary's Church Hall, Ilex Way. 

Twice a year, we publish a newsletter which is distributed to members. Those living south of the railway line within an area bounded by George V Avenue in the east and the boundary with Ferring in the west will receive newsletters delivered by volunteer road wardens who also collect subscriptions, if not paid on line. GRA Members living outside that area will receive newsletters by email (or post at an additional cost) and pay their membership subscription through the banking system.

Members provide a little personal information to us. We keep this safe and secure and do not pass it to other organisations. Our Data Protection Policy is shown below:
GRA Data Protection Policy

GRA Newsletter                                                                                                                                                                           (07/03/2025)  

Latest issue March 2025                                                                                                                                                                

AGM MInutes

  GRA Committee 2025

 Chair: Jan Alexander
Secretary: Andrew Young
Treasurer: Chris Nevell
Social Secretary: David Wynn Davies
Membership Secretaries: Angie Bacon & Julie Slawson
Web Manager: Karina Sevillano, assisted by Alan Young and Colin McKail

Andrew Alexander

Russell Packam

Gemma Shaw

Jenny French

Sarah Parker

Images of the GRA Window installed on Worthing Pier

Download the AGM Agenda
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