The Goring Residents' Association works hard for the people of Goring-by-Sea, preserving the amenities of Goring and promoting community spirit amongst residents. This work started in 1944 and the tradition continues. 2025 is our 81st year and with a new committee looking to strengthen our support and involvement with the local community.
We have over 1300 members and welcome new members from Goring-by-Sea or further afield. The GRA is a non-profit making association and has no political or religious affiliations.
Social event (21/03/2025)
Our first social event of the year, a presentation by Ian Richardson on Goring past, was well attended last night.
Further photo's on the GRA Notice Board on the "About us" tab above.
Look out for details of further events planned this year.
Dates are below, so please pencil them in your diary! We will publish further details of these nearer the time.
- 19th June . Race Night
- 25th September. AGM & Talk on Hampton Court
We are also making plans to relaunch our Christmas lunch for members.
Newsletter (07/03/2025)
Roadwardens are delivering our latest newsletter, which includes details of social programme and subscription. Copy also posted on the "About us" section tab at top of page.
The hard copy being delivered does have the date of the AGM wrong on the first page, but correct on the second page.
Existing members renewing subscription and any new residents wishing to join, can do so on line, details on the membership section tab at top of page.
GRA Update flyer (02/11/2024)
October update!
Goring Residents' Association (GRA) continues and with a New Committee!
Exciting news from the Goring Residents’ Association (GRA) – we now have a new committee!
Over the past 5 months, there was some uncertainty about the future of the GRA, and we were facing the real possibility of disbanding.
Thanks to the hard work of some people who share a vision for Goring, we now have a full committee ready to lead the way!
We’re pleased to announce that at the Annual General Meeting on September 12th 2024, a new committee of 14 members was nominated and elected. This means the GRA is more sustainable and we’ll continue our mission to protect Goring’s green spaces and to foster community spirit among the residents of Goring.
Meet the New Committee!
We’ve assembled a group of people who are passionate about Goring, who are excited to steer the GRA into a new chapter. Here’s the team:
• Chair: Jan Alexander
• Secretary: Andrew Young
• Treasurer: Chris Nevell
• Social Secretary: David Wynn Davies
• Membership Secretaries: Angie Bacon & Julie Slawson
• Web Manager: Karina Sevillano
We would also like to introduce the other members of our committee:
• Colin Mckail & Alan Young – supporting Karina with the website.
• Andrew Alexander & Chris Nevell (treasurer) – supporting Angie and Julie with membership
• Russell Packham, Gemma Shaw, Jenny French, and Sarah Parker – who will play an active part in shaping the future of the GRA.
We intend to work more collaboratively, sharing responsibilities across the committee to help lighten the load and keep things running smoothly.
Join Us!
During Spring 25, we will be reaching out to renew existing memberships. Current members will retain their membership until then.
New members are always welcome, please indicate if you are a new member on the application form.
It would be great to get as many Goring residents as possible involved – whether you’re new to the area or have lived here for years.
It is our hope that our dedicated team of road wardens will continue to work with us. They’ve done an incredible job keeping the community connected. Together, we can build a stronger network and make an even bigger impact.
Stay tuned for updates on our website and Facebook page – we’re working hard to get everything up to date with the latest news.
What’s Next?
The new committee are busy looking at a number of new initiatives to modernise the association, such as improving our digital presence and boosting member engagement. We want to make Goring a vibrant, connected community, and we’d love for you to be a part of it!
Got ideas?
We want to hear them! Whether you’re a new member or have been with us for years, your input is valuable.
Thank you so much for your continued support and enthusiasm. We’re excited for what’s ahead and can’t wait to welcome new faces to the GRA!
Best wishes,
The GRA Website Management team
Some of the new committee members
Chris, David, Barry, Andrew, Jan, Gemma, Sarah, Russell and Alan
Goring Gap Ltd (30/03/2024))
Update 07/03/2025:
Applicant has raised an appeal for the alcohol licence, which states on their website, will be heard in March. Also states that due to the bias they experienced from Worthing Councillors and in order to try and get a fair hearing, the Magistrates Court has agreed to hear their case in Horsham.
Also, following the rejection of the appeal for change of use of the land and the Planning Inspector's note that the land owners are allowed to do whatever they want on the land for 28 days a year, per land registry title/lease. They are looking to create several leases and create a trading season from March to October for farmers market and car boot sales, with the intention to commence in this March. No planning application has been submitted to support this.
On Wednesday 27th March, our previous Chair, Jeremy, attended the Council’s licensing committee hearing to consider the application for an alcohol licence by Goring Gap Ltd related to its plans for the parcel of land at Amberley Drive/ Marine Drive. Following mediation ahead of the meeting between Sussex Police and the applicant, Sussex police withdrew their objections.
At the 6-hour meeting, those who had made valid representations were able to speak about their concerns regarding this license application. The speakers included Sir Peter Bottomley, Councillors Claire Hunt and Kevin Jenkins and Jeremy. The applicant was also able to make his representations and question the representors. During the meeting the applicant offered to reduce the hours of alcohol sales from 0800 to 2300 down to 1200 to 2000. He also limited the time that the license would be active to five months of the year (May to September inclusive) and agreed that there would be no off-sales of alcohol. The meeting ended at 15:30.
The committee have now sent us a Decision Notice which states: "The Sub-Committee considered all the written & oral representations and heard statements from the applicant and representors. It resolved that the application for a premises licence be refused."
The applicant now has 21 days in which he can appeal the decision should he wish to.
The GRA committee would like to thank those residents who made representations in relation to this license application. It was clear at the hearing that the Licensing Commission value the representations from local people.
Jeremy intends to follow developments regarding this parcel of land and will keep you informed via the Forum and website.
Local Walking and Cycling (03/10/2021)
Here are some updated Adur and Worthing Walking and Infrastructure plans & strategy:
Here are some supporting Links for West Sussex County Councils Walking and Cycling plan & strategy:
Frequently Asked Questions
Members of the GRA Committee are often asked questions about a range of community topics. We have recently updated our list of questions and responses which you may find useful.
Council devolution (21/03/2025)
Following the governments' announcement, changes are planned for the structure of our local councils. The plan is to replace both Worthing Borough Council and West Sussex County Council, with a unified Mayoral Combined County Authority covering all of West Sussex, East Sussex and Brighton and Hove City Council. This will be overseen by a single elected Mayor, with election in May 2026.
Details are available on the government website, using this link:
Sussex and Brighton devolution consultation - GOV.UK
As part of the consultation process, public can comment, with on-line survey provided, through this link:
These are important changes which will affect running of local government in our area and this consultation will last until 13th April 2025
WSCC Food action week (13/03/2025)
Local events at:
Alongside the above events, the Waste Prevention Team also attend various public and private events to promote waste prevention, reuse, and recycling, and are eager to answer questions about the county's recycling services and waste reduction initiatives. A full list of events can be found on our website here. Find out more about Food Waste Action Week
Post office closure (09/03/2025)
Notice of closure of Goring Road Post Office (Near The Mulberry)
Stagecoach bus changes (07/03/2025)
Following a consultation period, Stagecoach are introducing changes to routes and timetables which affect our area from 6th April. Changes to 700 route, taking over The Pulse, new 701 and 11 services, see link below for details maps etc.
Household waste recycling centre (04/10/2024)
Autumn/Winter opening hours (1 October - 31 March)
Centre opening hours:
Online pre-booking is still in place
Battery recycling (26/02/2024)
Adur And Worthing Council are now able to recycle household batteries as part of their kerbside WEEE collection service - saving you a trip to the supermarket or tip to dispose of them.
Due to their size, batteries must be left out for collection in a plastic bag to prevent them from falling onto the road once they have been collected and put into the metal cages attached to the waste and recycling trucks.
Please ensure that you do not dispose of batteries in your regular waste bin as they can easily cause fires.
Many broken small electronic items can be collected and recycled as part of the WEEE service, including toasters, hairdryers and remote controls. Last month they started collecting disposable and reusable vapes - which should also be placed in a bag due to their small size.
To see what can and can’t be recycled, visit:
Local public notice portal (02/01/2024)
Details of local public notices, including planning applications and planned changes in road layout, closures and diversions, can now be found on a new portal created by the local news media sector.
WSCC Think before you throw (05/08/2023)
For further information and guidance on recycling household waste, WSCC have produced further guidance, on their website:
West Sussex County Council - recycling (15/07/2023)
The West Sussex Waste Partnership - formed of the County Council and all the district and borough councils in West Sussex – has partnered with the Police and Crime Commissioner, Sussex Police, the Environment Agency, and others, in order to highlight and reduce the problems that fly tipping causes. The partners are also helping residents and businesses to avoid unknowingly contributing to fly tipping within West Sussex.
One example of how the partners are working together is through trialling joint operations across various locations in West Sussex. With the intention to both deter and disrupt fly tippers and avoid other waste crimes, officers from a range of partners have been stopping vehicles that may be carrying waste, checking compliance, and interviewing drivers. Various vehicles have been seized, and drivers fined, for a range of offences. Due to the success of the trial operations all partners have committed to extending the operations, on a rolling programme through West Sussex.
Businesses that carry waste can apply for a waste carrier license online. Residents should remain vigilant and continue to follow the SCRAP code:
More information on duty of care and correct disposal of household waste can be found on our website.
Here at West Sussex Recycles we’re supporting Plastic Free July and we’re asking residents to join us. Last year, over 80 tonnes of plastic was recycled in West Sussex (that’s the weight of a space shuttle!). Whilst recycling your plastic is great, this Plastic Free July, why not try and reduce this where possible. Choose to refuse and pledge to make swaps that will help to reduce your plastic waste. These swaps can be as easy as using reusable shopping bags or using a reusable container to store leftovers. Or, if you have young children in nappies, why not try switching to reusable nappies. Our team have been busy exploring alternatives to plastic, you can find out more about the swap’s we’re making this July by visiting our website.
Curious about how recycling works in West Sussex? Find out how you can Think Before You Throw and keep an eye on our social media pages for information on the West Sussex Waste Partnership, what can and can’t be recycled and how to reduce your waste even more. As part of our new campaign were updating our website so it has a new and improved look. Why not head over to our website and check it out?
Due to the lithium batteries contained in disposable vapes, it is important they are not disposed of in your general waste and recycling bins. This is because mixing these batteries with other waste streams is a fire hazard and can cause fires in collection vehicles and our waste plants.
Previously, we advised that vapes could be disposed of at our Recycling Centres in the small electricals’ container. We have since introduced separate containers for the disposal of vapes, these will be introduced to all of our Recycling Centres within the next week and all residents will be asked to leave their disposable vapes in a collection tray and from there they will be safely collected by site staff and processed for recycling.
Alternatively, all of the District and Borough councils in West Sussex offer kerbside small electrical collections.
For more information on these collections visit your local authority’s webpage:
Recycling electrical items (19/10/2022)
For those not aware, Adur and Worthing council have introduced a free eletrical recycling service for small items.Kettles, toasters, irons and other portable items with plugs or that are powered by batteries will be picked up from the kerbside as part of residents' weekly waste collections.
Residents will be encouraged to reuse items where possible, such as by donating those that still work to charity or community organisations. But for small items which are broken, all householders need to do is leave them next to their grey or blue bins on the day of their weekly collection - after removing any batteries from them.
Appliances - which should be able to fit into a plastic bag - will then be taken away to a specialist facility to be broken down and reused in new equipment.
Neighbourhood Alerts (05/12/2021)
Would you be interested in joining the Neighbourhood Alert scheme which is being supported by Sussex Police.
Hannah Whitby
Police Community Support Officer 35796
Goring Ward Officer
Adur, Worthing & Horsham Prevention Team
Chatsworth Road Police Station
BN11 1LY
Telephone: 101 Ext: 581737 or 07712695788
and her colleges are going to be posting out Street Briefing/Surgery dates on there, as well as any key information specific to the Goring area.
You can register to receive information based on your Address from the following Information Providers:
and join many different Community Interest Groups.
Old Ariel Photos of Goring-by Sea (22/12/2021)
Copyright 2025 © by Goring Residents' Association. All rights reserved